Online Marketing Strategy

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Online Marketing Strategy | The Importance Of Starting Your Digital Marketing Now

There has never been a better time in history to be in business. New technologies have all but destroyed previous barriers to entry. New software programs automate tasks that used to take hours and hours, if not days and weeks to complete. And new marketing and advertising platforms have effectively levelled the playing field by giving everyone ranging from solo entrepreneurs to Fortune 500 companies access to the exact same tools to help build their businesses. So why then are so many businesses failing to take advantage of this new golden age of marketing? And how can you be sure your business doesn’t fall into the same trap?

In North America alone over half of all internet activity is performed from a mobile device. So why aren’t all websites mobile responsive? The average Facebook user is spending upwards of 40 minutes each day on the platform. So why aren’t all businesses leveraging the incredible power of Facebook Ads? YouTube reaches more 18-49 year olds than any cable network in the US. So why don’t more brands have a YouTube channel and put out regular content and ads? And 97% of all consumers search for local businesses online. So why aren’t more businesses focusing on improving and increasing their online presence?

The reality is that time and money invested in strategic digital marketing isn’t just a good idea, but is now pretty much mandatory to ensure maintain and growing your market share. And there’s never been a better time to dive in than right now.

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