
9 Web Technologies Every Web Developer Must Know in 2021

Web development comes with a huge set of rules and techniques every website developer should know about. If you want a website to look and function as you wish them to, you need to get familiar with web technologies that will help you achieve your goal.

Developing an app or a website typically comes down to knowing 3 main languages: JavaScriptCSS, and HTML. And while it sounds quite complicated, once you know what you are doing, understanding web technology and the way it works becomes significantly easier.

Fret not if it is not coming easily to you immediately. You may need more time, training, and patience to dive deeper into the subject, but you’ll end up with a good understanding eventually.

We present you with an introduction to web technologies and the latest web technologies list hoping it will make things at least a bit easier for you. Now, let’s take a look.

What is Web Technology?

You have probably heard the term “web development technologies” before, but did you ever think about what it actually means?

Since computers can’t communicate with each other the way people do, they require codes instead. Web technologies are the markup languages and multimedia packages computers use to communicate.

1. Browsers

Browsers request information and then they show us in the way we can understand. Think of them as the interpreters of the web. Here are the most popular ones:

Google Chrome – Currently, the most popular browser brought to you by Google

Safari – Apple’s web browser

Firefox – Open-source browser supported by the Mozilla Foundation

Internet Explorer – Microsoft’s browser


HTML is one of the first you should learn. Thanks to HTML, the web browsers know what to show once they receive the request. If you want to better understand how HTML works, you also need to know what CSS is.

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets and it describes how HTML elements are to be displayed on the screen. If you browse enough tutorials, you’ll soon create CSS text effectspage transitionsimage hover effects, and more. 

If you’re a complete beginner, this Essential HTML & CSS training by James Williamson will help you to quickly get started with these technologies.

3. Web Development Frameworks

Web development frameworks are a starting point of items that a developer can use to avoid doing the simple or mundane tasks, and instead get right to work.


Web Development Frameworks Angular

Angular is one of the latest web technologies designed specifically for developing dynamic web applications. With this framework, you can easily create front-end based applications without needing to use other frameworks or plugins.

The features include well-made templates, MVC architecture, code generation, code splitting etc. All the expressions are like code snippets that enclosed within curly braces and do not use any loops or conditional statements.

If you would like to start using Angular or to just quickly evaluate if this framework would be the right solution for your projects, you can check out this 3-hour training, published in June 2019 by Justin Schwartzenberger, a Google Developer Expert. This course covers everything that’s necessary to start using Angular, from basic architecture, work with DOM, data binding, routing, and components, to more advanced topics such as directives and pipes.

Ruby on Rails

Web Development Frameworks Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails is a server-side website technology that makes app development much easier and faster. The thing that really sets this framework apart is the reusability of the code as well as some other cool features that will help you get the job done in no time.

Popular websites written with Ruby include BasecampAsk.fmGitHub500px, and many others.

Here is everything you need to know about Ruby on Rails.

If you would are interested in a more in-depth training on Ruby on Rails framework, this 10-hour course by Kevin Skoglund, a senior Ruby developer, might be just the right resource to get started. It covers the complete learning cycle from the very fundamentals to more advanced topics such as Layouts, Partials, and View Helpers, giving quite a few practical tasks in parallel.


Web Development Frameworks Yii

Yii is an open-source web application development framework built in PHP5. It is performance-optimized and comes with a number of great tools for debugging and app testing. Another plus is that it is pretty simple and easy to use.

Meteor JS

Web Development Frameworks Meteor JS

Meteor JS is written in Node.js and it makes it possible for you to create real-time web applications for different platforms. The framework for creating simple websites for personal use really stands out with Meteor JS.

This is an open-source isomorphic JavaScript web framework which also means that the webpage loading time is significantly shorter. JavaScript stack also makes it possible to get the same results with fewer lines of code than usual.

This online video course gives an interesting practical example of combining MeteorJS and React to build a web app.


Web Development Frameworks Express JS

Developed in Node.js, Express.js is a web app development network that is great for those who need to develop apps and APIs as fast as possible. A lot of great features are provided with the help of plugins.

This course provides a good insight into the advanced usage of Express.js in combination with MongoDB and Mongoose and shows different ways of deploying an Express app and …


The Beginner’s Guide to Website Development

While web development typically refers to web markup and coding, it includes all related development tasks, such as client-side scripting, server-side scripting, server and network security configuration, ecommerce development, and content management system (CMS) development.

See why thousands of customers use CMS Hub to build an optimized website that integrates with their HubSpot CRM data and full marketing suite.

Why is web development important?

You might be a business owner hiring a freelance developer to build your website, a marketer pitching a vision to your development team, or a student learning about development as a career. Regardless of who you are or why you’re reading this guide, understanding the basics of website development can be helpful in this technology-driven world.

The internet isn’t going away anytime soon. In fact, it’s become a portal and primary method of research, connection, education, and entertainment in the world. As of 2019, there are 4.2 billion global internet users. That’s more than half the world’s population, and these folks are using the internet for a vast variety of reasons.

What’s the one thing those reasons have in common? They require a website, and each website requires a skilled web developer.

Web development is also a rapidly expanding industry. Between now and 2028, the employment of web developers is expected to grow by 13%. That’s much faster than most other technology careers.

Now that we’ve defined web development, let’s review some web development basics to better acquaint you with the topic.

1. What a Website Is

Websites are files stored on servers, which are computers that host (fancy term for “store files for”) websites. These servers are connected to a giant network called the internet … or the World Wide Web (if we’re sticking with 90s terminology). We talk more about servers in the next section.

Browsers are computer programs that load the websites via your internet connection, such as Google Chrome or Internet Explorer. Your computer is also known as the client.

2. What an IP Address Is

Internet Protocol is a set of standards that govern interaction on the internet.

To access a website, you need to know its IP address. An IP address is a unique string of numbers. Each device has an IP address to distinguish itself from the billions of websites and devices connected via the internet.

The IP address for HubSpot is You can find any website’s IP address by visiting a site like Site 24×7 or by using Command Prompt on Windows or Network Utility > Traceroute on MacBooks.

Traceroute in Network Utility on Mac

To find your device’s IP address, you can also type “what’s my IP address” into your search browser.

While you can access a website using its IP address, most internet users prefer to use domain names or by going through search engines.

3. What HTTP Means

HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) connects you and your website request to the remote server that houses all website data. It’s a set of rules (a protocol) that defines how messages should be sent over the internet. It allows you to jump between site pages and websites.

When you type a website into your web browser or search for something through a search engine, HTTP provides a framework so that the client (computer) and server can speak the same language when they make requests and responses to each other over the internet. It’s essentially the translator between you and the internet — it reads your website request, reads the code sent back from the server, and translates it for you in the form of a website.

4. What Coding Is

Coding refers to writing code for servers and applications using programming languages. They’re called “languages” because they comprise vocabulary and grammatical rules for communicating with computers. They also include special commands, abbreviations, and punctuation that can only be read by devices and programs.

All software is written by at least one coding language, but languages vary based on platform, operating system, and style. There are many different types of coding languages…all of which fall into two categories, front-end and back-end.

5. What Front-end Means

Front-end (or client-side) is the side of a website or software that you see and interact with as an internet user. When website information is transferred from a server to a browser, front-end coding languages allow the website to function without having to continually “communicate” with the internet.

Front-end code allows users like you and me to interact with a website and play videos, expand or minimize images, highlight text, and more. Web developers who work on front-end coding work on client-side development.

We’ll unpack more about front-end development in the next section.

6. What Back-end Means

Back-end (or server-side) is the side that you don’t see when you use the internet. It’s the digital infrastructure, and to non-developers, it looks like a bunch of numbers, letters, and symbols.

There are more back-end coding languages than front-end languages. That’s because browsers — at the front-end — only …


How To Become A Web Developer in 2021 — Everything You Need To Know

How To Become A Web Developer In 2021 [Complete Guide]

Technology plays a huge role in our daily lives, from the simplest of apps to the most groundbreaking inventions. Every website or piece of software that we encounter has been built by a web developer—but what exactly is web development, and what does a web developer do?

To the outside eye, it can seem like a complicated, confusing, and somewhat inaccessible field. So, to shed some light on this fascinating industry, we’ve put together the ultimate introduction to web development and what it takes to become a fully-fledged web developer.

In this guide, we’ll go through the basics of web development in detail, and show you the essential skills and tools you’ll need to break into the industry. If you decide web development is for you, the next step is to start learning those essential skills, which you can do in this free, online short course designed for beginners.

First, though, we’ll take a look at the web development industry as it stands in 2021, and consider whether web development is a smart career move—with a particular focus on the impact of 2020 and the COVID-19 pandemic.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

  1. Is now a good time to become a web developer? (2021 update)
  2. What is web development?
  3. A brief history of the World Wide Web
  4. What does a web developer do?
  5. Programming languages, libraries, and frameworks
  6. What does it take to become a web developer?

Feel free to skip ahead using the clickable menu. Let’s go!

1. Is now a good time to become a web developer? (2021 update)

Before you jump into a new career, it’s important to consider the path ahead. Can your new industry offer you ample opportunity and stability? How likely are you to get hired after your chosen program or boot camp?

In the wake of 2020, these questions are more important than ever. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on the economy and on the job market, with hiring slowing down in many sectors. With that in mind, let’s take a look at the state of the web development industry in 2021.

Our web developers in demand right now?

You’ll have noticed that, no matter what’s going on in the world around us, technology is omnipresent in our lives. Whether it’s scrolling through our favorite social media apps, checking the news, paying for something online, or connecting with colleagues using collaboration software and tools—most of what we do relies on some form of technology. Behind this technology is a team of web developers who have not only built it but constantly maintain it to ensure it works flawlessly.

Those who can build and maintain websites, apps, and software have a crucial role to play in today’s technology-driven world—and this is reflected in the web development job market. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of web developers is projected to grow 8% from 2019 to 2029—much faster than the average for all occupations.

But does this still stand after the unpredictable twists and turns of 2020? In a word, yes; web developers seem to have weathered the storm relatively well. The full-stack developer came in second on indeed’s a list of the best jobs for 2020, and we can see this continuing through 2021 and beyond. Just search the web for the most in-demand tech skills in 2021 and you’ll find things like web development, cloud computing, DevOps, and problem-solving.

Full-stack development in particular will continue to be highly attractive to employers. Writing for TechCrunch, Sergio Granada notes how full-stack developers have been integral to business during the COVID-19 crisis: “In response to the coronavirus pandemic, the ability to do full-stack development can make engineers extremely marketable as companies across all industries migrate their business to a virtual world. Those who can quickly develop and deliver software projects thanks to full-stack methods have the best shot to be at the top of a company’s or client’s wish list.”

If you’re keen to quantify the demand for web developers, search for “web developer” or “full-stack developer” roles in your area on sites like indeed, glassdoor, and LinkedIn. We did a quick search for web development roles in the United States and, at the time of writing, found over 26,000 vacancies.

As you can see, web developers continue to be in high demand—in spite of, and perhaps even more so because of, the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Talking of which, how has COVID-19 affected the web development industry? Let’s take a look.

How has COVID-19 affected the industry?

While many industries have struggled (and continue to do so) as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, the tech industry has fared relatively well. Many organizations are relying on digital tools to enable them to operate remotely, placing even more importance on technology and the people who build it. As such, many are anticipating an industry boom: according to Market Data Forecast, the tech industry will grow from $131 billion USD in 2020 to $295 billion in 2025.

Of course, new and aspiring web developers can expect some changes as a result of COVID-19. First and foremost, it’s important to consider the rise of remote work. When it comes to looking for your first job within the field, you should be prepared to work remotely at least some of the time, if not on a full-time basis. Fortunately, web development is a career that lends …


How Being a Linguist Helped Me Rock in Web Development

Linguistics and philology are commonly considered as humanities. They are rarely associated with exact sciences, whereas programming would be more likely related to maths in popular opinion.

However, those two areas are closely related, and my experience proves that a degree in linguistics can help one become a good web developer. After all, both deal with languages. Linguistic studies provided me with the skills and knowledge necessary to rock in coding. I believe that I’ve got a considerable advantage in learning how to code and here are some arguments to support my point of view.
1. Studying the Patterns
Linguistics is not about learning new languages, but more about studying their structure and rules that define them, finding abstractions, and comparing the different ways they use to convey the same messages. Different languages – whether they are natural or programming languages – might function in some ways. Therefore, understanding the principles of a number of natural languages gives me the ability to quickly spot patterns in the next language I learn.

On top of that, in many cases some elements of the structure are similar in two separate languages, so once I picked those up, I could easily leverage this when learning the two programming languages that don’t seem to share an immediate ancestor. Therefore, switching from object-oriented Ruby to functional Scala will potentially be much easier for me in the future, should I decide to learn it. And let’s be honest – web development requires you to juggle a few different languages at all times and always be on the lookout for the “next big thing” that may or may not become the new standard.

How Being a Linguist Helped Me Rock in Web Development
2. Taking Advanced Courses
Standard programming courses online are usually delivered in a clear and easily understandable way. They provide basic information about coding, but they are not sufficient for professional development. Advanced or more academic online courses (provided as MOOCs by universities), provide you with a more in-depth knowledge but are usually conveyed through a more sophisticated language and most of them are currently available for English speakers only.

Having completed dozens of academic courses on different difficulty levels – and all delivered in English – I learned how to absorb knowledge from more sources than would have been possible without the academic experience with English.

What’s more, academic language is more advanced and harder to comprehend. But once I got my head around it, it became much easier to learn new skills from courses organized by Harvard or Stanford Universities that are provided in English.

3. Learning Unusual Languages
I majored in English and Arabic translation. And Arabic is nothing like what I was used to when dealing with European languages. It has totally different structures, rules, patterns, let alone the alphabet. Learning it required shifting my way of thinking to totally different tracks. Discrepancies are enormous, especially if one decides to learn Arabic without looking at it through the lens of European language norms and principles. To make it even more interesting, we even touched on the basic grammar rules of Klingon.

How Being a Linguist Helped Me Rock in Web Development
Experience with Arabic came really useful when I started coding, as I also had to switch off my standard line of thought. Programming languages belong to a totally different group. They allow communication with computers, and therefore, require a distinct mindset as well.

4. Juggling Between Languages
Another thing that I acquired during my university studies and found very useful in coding is the ability to switch easily between different languages. Many people find it hard to get used to when taking up a second foreign language. Both languages start to mix up. However, having been forced to switch between three different languages almost every day solved that problem for me and now I can easily juggle between Arabic and English or JavaScript and Ruby.

5. Having an Eye for Details and Punctuation
Each and every language has different rules of punctuation. This also applies to coding. However, in the case of the latter, punctuation principles have even more important than in natural languages, since your reader may infer your intended meaning despite punctuation errors, but the compiler or browser will not be so forgiving. Punctuation errors will result in either errors or different behavior than you intended.

How Being a Linguist Helped Me Rock in Web Development
Having gone through multiple languages and their complex systems of where and why to put a comma in a sentence taught me precision in punctuation. The Ruby programming language that we embrace at Netguru might be less strict in that area compared to more strict languages, but our code review is quite demanding, so I believe that my linguistic experience helped me master my code review.

Being a linguist helped me in becoming a better developer. Learning new programming languages came quite easily and now I am more accurate and systematic in my everyday job. However, it doesn’t mean I didn’t have to study coding at all. It still required a lot of effort on my side. But once I picked it up, it’s mostly satisfaction and fun.…


Purchasing Solar Powered Street Lights For Temporary Use On Construction Sites

Large construction sites can benefit from solar power lights in many ways. First, you can buy portable lights https://www.solarlightingitl.com/solar-construction-power-trailers/, and they can be moved around as construction progresses. Solar powered lights are also rather inexpensive compared to some of the other equipment out there. Now, let’s talk for a minute about another major benefit, the fact that solar power lights don’t need an electrical power source.

Naturally, that is going to be a little helpful when it comes to working at a construction site. There will be power sources for some equipment and tools, but using solar power lights helps free up those outlets. Plus, it also makes placement of the lights much easier.

Working during the daytime, you wouldn’t think you need lighting, but you will at times when there are enclosures. Plus, using solar lights helps with putting in the extra hours and working at night. Whether you want to pull some nighttime hours for your construction project or not, you are still going to benefit from using solar lights.

Solar street lights (https://www.solarlightingitl.com/solar-street-lighting/) are also an excellent choice as they can be erected without any need to run wiring to their location and they provide a broad spectrum light across the entire city street or worksite. They can then be removed and taken to the next job site.

What types of solar powered lights are out there for you to use? They are all typically lightweight, which certainly helps as well. You are going to spend less on that type of lighting, too. They will be easy to tote or transport from project to project, and you will certainly enjoy the ease of using them. They power up quite easily during the day and provide bright light at night for when you want to work those late hours. It doesn’t mean you have to burn the midnight oil, but you can certainly use the help when meeting certain construction deadlines.

Using solar lights will get you to thinking about other ways you can save money and make your construction projects easier. You will find all kinds of ways, just wait and see. When you get ready to start using the solar lighting, wait and see how bright they are. Do make sure you get products that are going to produce enough light. There are different size lights and all different models with various features.

You shouldn’t have to worry about charge time if you stay prepared. Again, one of the biggest benefits is the money you save because that means you get to keep more of the profits from the construction project. You will have people working with you, too, and they will appreciate the convenience of using solar lights.

Perhaps you are the foreman or head contractor, and you won’t be using the lights yourself. Your crew will appreciate them, and so will your wallet. Get some lights on order, and get them on their way. It might be best to order them online so that you can see a much better overall selection, better prices, too. A penny saved is a penny earned. Now you get to enjoy all the benefits of those portable lights, and then you can tell others in the industry how great it is to use them with their construction projects.…