How To Create A Digital Marketing Strategy In The Modern Landscape

What to learn how to create a digital marketing strategy today? Well, it is different than it was years ago.

Internet Marketing Company, Digital Marketing Agency

Here are two great resources

How to Start a Digital Marketing Strategy (That Gets Results)

45 Things to Look for in a Digital Marketing Agency

In the modern landscape when considering how to create a digital marketing strategy, you need to think about all the touch points of the consumer. In this video, John Lincoln walks you through these touch points.

In your digital marketing strategy, you might want to incorporate Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, AdWords, Yelp, it all depends on your business. When you look at Google analytics, you can get a pretty good idea of your customer journey.

At Ignite Visibility, we have a customer journey mapping service. You can learn more about it here

The customer journey is critical to understand when creating a digital marketing strategy. Watch video on how to create a digital marketing strategy now.